Meet Lottie

Lottie's Career Match

I always knew that I wanted a career that helped people. Before undertaking PRISM Career Mapping my interests were limited to medicine, nursing or para-medicine. After completing my Career Map, a whole new world of ‘helping’ opened up for me.

Occupational Therapist

I had never considered Pharmacy, Intensive Care Medicine or Occupational Therapy… just a few of the 93 careers I was matched with. Tiffany (from PCM), supported me to understand each element of the profile and what it meant for me, she showed me where my strengths lay and helped me to understand what gives me energy.


I have since started working part-time at a Pharmacy, I have developed a relationship with a mentor in the field of pharmacy, I have completed a Pharmacy Assistant course through the Pharmacy Guild Australia and I will continue trying my best in year 12 to gain entry to the bachelor of Pharmaceutical Science at Monash University.

Meet Melonie (Lottie's mum)

Lottie had some ideas about her subject choices for year 12. What she didn’t have was a clear direction about how her subject selection would / could impact University course options and future career choices. The profile matched Lotties’ personal strengths and capabilities with careers she would most likely be interested in and what she would be willing and able to learn. Best of all, it opened up many career possibilities that matched her personality, possibilities she’d never considered.

Lotties' Behavioural Profile

The PRISM profile was a turning point for Lottie in terms of her self confidence and future thinking. The process of the career profile was short and simple and yet so incredibly powerful, for Lottie it was life changing. Not only did she learn a lot about herself, her dad and I learnt a lot about her too.

Melonie (lotties’ mum)

Career Stories

After completing PRISM Career Mapping, customers have the clarity of what their career potential is and can work to complement their current studies and desired career aspirations.

Start mapping now